Friday, August 30, 2013

Leaving So Soon?

Counting today, I have five days left in America before I start my adventures in Italy. Most of my Rotary Exchange friends have already arrived in their host country and are having the time of their lives. I have been looking at their Facebooks with envy, especially since they get to be away from all of this smoke Reno has been having... But I know that I should appreciate my last few days here and say goodbye to all of my friends. My dad and I just went on a fishing trip a few days ago together as the last thing we will do together before I leave. It was a fantastic trip- waking up at 2 in the morning to pack up and go on a fisherman's boat at Lake Tahoe by 5 am. We were with a family of six, and we all caught a total of 6 Mackinaw Trout to eat for dinner that night. It was fun! This trip also made me realize how lucky I am to live in such a beautiful place. The smoke made the sunrise fantastic! I am really going to miss Lake Tahoe.

This is my dad, Dennis, at five in the morning, all set and ready to fish!

This is the fisherman who owned the boat we were on. His name was Mickey. This is him pulling out a fake set of teeth out of the trout's mouth as a little prank to pull on me. I was quite confused where they came from at first, but it was very funny when I found out he was teasing me. :)

And this of course is the beautiful Lake Tahoe and the sunrise that morning. This is what I will miss the most.
I have begun to think about what to pack (packing for a year is the hardest thing for a girl to go through!!) and I have started my swaps and pins to give to new friends in Italy.
This would be my very messy room as I am trying to organize all of the shirts and pants and dresses and more that I want to bring with me to Italy. I definitely will have to cut my pile in half, or more!

These are a few books I plan on bringing to keep me company for a few weeks and to help me with my language skills. There are a few dictionaries/phrase books, a few journals to write in, a planner, a calendar, and a few good books to enjoy. I have The Chronicles of Narnia pictured here, but I know I will want to bring more!!
These are some of the swaps my mom and I are making. They are little mining pans with a bit of fake silver in each, because Nevada is "The Silver State".  They aren't done yet, but they will be fun to give out when I get to Vicenza! :)

And last but not least is my Italian tutor Salene. She has been amazing and very helpful for my Italian language skills. I wish I could bring her along! She has taught me all of the basics and more, plus tips on how to act and survive in Italy! I am so thankful I found her to help me!
Well, I am soon to be off on my adventures and I can't wait. I will have to finish up all my packing and other chores, but saying goodbye one last time to all my friends and family and home will be the hardest. Yet even though I am sad, I am more than ready to see what is out there in the world and to explore new things. Goodbye America, and hello Italy!


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